
ERC-1155 NFT Collections

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ERC-721 NFT Collections
ERC-1155 NFT Collections
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Lazy Minting

The basic premise of lazy minting is that instead of creating an NFT directly on chain, the NFT creator makes a cryptographic signature of some data using their Ethereum account's private key.

The voucher contains important information that will go into the actual NFT, and it may optionally contain additional data that isn't recorded in the blockchain, as we'll see in a bit when we talk about prices.

When a buyer wants to purchase the NFT, they call a redeem function to redeem the signed voucher.

Create the NFT Items

A voucher correspond to a single NFT Item, therefore the item has to be already created, you can create the NFT Item data from the backend using one of the following options:

Create the item using the NFT backend option
You don't need to mint the item, just create the NFT Item with all the information and publish it.
Go to the wp-admin site
Click on "NFT" - "Add New NFT"
Fill all the data of the form, including categories, tags, description
Load the media of the NFT, this is the piece of the NFT itself. Can be an image, document, audio or video in any standar media format
Fill the address of the recipient of the new token (the owner address)
Choose the collection
Click on "Publish"
Do not mint the item, just publish it
Create multiple items using the Batch Mint option
As before, you don't need to mint the items, just create the NFTs with all the information and skip the minting step.

Creating Vouchers

Sign a Voucher tutorial

To be able to Lazy Mint the first things you need is your collection already deployed and your Item created on the database

A voucher correspond to a single NFT item, therefore you create a signature for every item you want to Lazy Mint.

To create a voucher do the following steps

Edit your NFT Item
Locate your NFT Item on the WP Admin and click on "Edit"
Set all the NFT data
Set all the data of your NFT item and choose the collection in the dropdown
Set the price and qty of your item
Then, on the Lazy Minting section set the price of your item, the maximum quantity to mint and the Author address
Set the author of your item
The author address is the address that will receive the Royalties when the item is sold
Sign your voucher
When ready, click on the Sign button to sign the voucher, this is not a paid transaction, this is a free signature
When done, the signature is stored on your NFT item. And users can Lazy Mint the items by paying the listed price.

Replacing Vouchers

To replace a voucher simply sign a new voucher on the correspondent NFT Item, and the old voucher will be replaced

All vouchers are valid in the smart contract until fully minted, which means that "replacing" a vouchers replaces the signature information in the database, but the old signatures remain valid in the contract and cannot be deleted

Removing Vouchers

Vouchers cannot be removed, but you can replace the old voucher with a zero quantity voucher, this will avoid users to mint vouchers in the frontend.

Lazy Minting

Redeem a Voucher tutorial

When a voucher is minted the Lazy Mint button appears on the UI

The Lazy Mint button is a "Mint" button with the price in parentheses

To start Lazy Minting just click on the "Mint" button
Then click on "Mint" and confirm the transaction in Metamask
It is at this point that a real transaction is required and the end user pays for the minting process.
Now the item is minted on the Blockhain and more users can mint additional items if they pay the price for it.


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