ERC-721 or NFT tokens is a standard for non-fungible tokens (NFT) or deeds. NFT are useful to represent digital or physical assets that cannot be divided
Each NFT Collection Smart Contract you create represents:
A Standard ERC-721
Standard NFT based on OpenZeppelin implementation
A container of NFT items
Each minted NFT item is stored inside the NFT Collection
A Marketplace
You can put up for sale or at auction your NFT Items
Your NFT Collection token is fully compatible with the ERC-721 Standard
Only one account can own a NFT at a time
Your token can be transferred directly or by approval
Your token smart contract is identified by a symbol and a name
Token URI
Each minted NFT has a single tokenURI, which is a URL that stores the media and all the attributes of its unique NFT.
The smart contract counts and list valid NFTs assigned to an owner
Authorized users can mint new NFTs
Buy & Sell
Owners can sell their NFTs and any user can buy
Owners can auction their NTFs by setting a minimum reserve amount, and any user can auction. The contract works like a scrow that allows funds to be stored safely until the auction ends
Token Payments
Sales and auctions are done in any ERC-20 or BEP20 only.
Supports the ability to distribute royalties to the creators from resales
Suika Payment Token
Please note that all payments made through the Suika Smart Contract are made in ERC-20 / BEP-20 tokens.
This has to be the 42-character hexadecimal address (like 0x0123456789abcde0123456789abcde0123456789).
Are you using a reflection token? If so, you must exclude the NFT contract in your reflection token
If you have created your own token, using the WP Smart Contracts or any other tool, you can use it for of payment as long as it is ERC-20 Standard compatible
Disclaimer does not endorse or promote any of the following tokens, we display it for technical education and demonstration purposes only. We are not responsible for the accuracy or stability of this information. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH and neccesary verifications on your side.
Using a wrapped version of the native coin
If you want to use Ether (for Ethereum), BNB (for BSC), Matic (for Polygon), you have to use a wrapped token like:
Keep in mind that you need to use a token existing in the Blockchain you choose. For example, you cannot use on the testnet a token that exists on the mainnet. If you are using a testnet we recommend to create your own token using the plugin.
Create a Suika NFT Collection
Use the Smart Contract Wizard
If you are not sure what flavor or network is the best for you, use the WP Smart Contracts wizard
This section is the Smart Contract definition data
Symbol and Name
Just like ERC-20 has a symbol and names, ERC-721 tokens also have a symbol and a name. This symbol and name is a one-time setting, cannot be changed after deployment.
Sales and auctions commissions
Commission that you will receive from Sales and Auctions. 0 means no commission, 100 means 100% of the sale as commission. Commission has to be a number between 0 and 100. This can be changed dinamically after deployment.
Royalty percentage for creators
Royalties to the creators from resales. 0 means no commission, 100 means 100% of the sale as commission.
Ethereum address or EVM compatible wallet address to receive funds. This is the beneficiary account that will receive the Marketplace commissions in the token defined for payments. This can be changed dinamically after deployment.
Standard ERC-20 or BEP20 token to be used for payment of sales and auctions
Who can mint?
This is a smart contract setup. If anyone can mint it means that anyone can create a NFT item on your Marketplace. Otherwise, only the contract owner can mint new NFT items.
What user roles can create NFT items on your Marketplace?
This is a WordPress level configuration. Choose the WP user roles authorized to create NFT elements, both in the Backend and the Frontend of your site.
All users can edit all NFTs
This is a frontend setting to allow all creators to modify the data for all items. By default, NFT items can be modified by their authors, but if you want all authors to be able to modify all NFT elements, activate this option. (Not recommended)
Show OpenSea link
If your contract is deployed to Ethereum mainnet or Polygon mainnet, an auto-generated link to OpenSea will be displayed in the item view
Use pixelated images
By default, each browser will render images using aliasing to a scaled image in order to prevent distortion. Check this if you want the image to preserve its original pixelated form. This is usefull if your items are icon-like images
Examples of pixelated and atialiased images
Enable Sub-Collections?
By default, galleries are not enabled, you can enabled them selecting one of two choices
Your galleries will be show on the top as a dropdown list
NFT Collection Deploy
Then you can deploy your contract
Select the network
Expand All networks
In the bottom left section of the screen you can click on "Expand All" in the network section to see all blockchains available to deploy the selected flavor. Available networks vary from one flavor to another.
Filter networks
In the bottom section you can click on checkboxes to filter your networks results by mainnet, testnets, Ethereum Bitcoin, etc.
Switch to desired network
Click on "Switch" on the desired networks to add this network to your Metamask and switch to it
Approve the operations in Metamask
At this point you can deploy either using the native coin of the selected network or WPIC WP Smart Contracts native tokens
Deploy with the native token of the selected network
Deployment and gas fees are paid using the native coin of the selected network, meaning that if you chose Ethereum you will pay in Ether, if you chose Polygon you will pay in Matic, etc. You will see the price in the native coin and the estimated equivalent in US Dollars in the top left of the networks section.
Click on the green “Deploy” button.
Read carefully the terms and conditions
Basically you need to know what you are doing and to know that this actions is irreversible.
If you agree and you know what you are doing click on both checkboxes
Click “Yes, please proceed”
Click “Confirm” in Metamask and wait for your transaction to finish.
Then your post will be updated showing the new Smart Contract information.
Deploy with WPIC
WPIC is a reward / redeem native token of the WP Smart Contracts plugin. With every deployment you get FREE WPICs that you can use to deploy Smart Contracts with no deployment fee.