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WP Smart Contracts Web3 Login

Secure and Easy User Registration and Login

WP Smart Contracts Web3 User Registration and Login

The WP Smart Contracts Web3 Login feature is a groundbreaking way to simplify and secure user registration and login processes on WordPress websites. It uses cryptocurrency wallets to authenticate users, which eliminates the need for passwords and makes it more difficult for hackers to gain access to accounts.

Install and activate the WP Smart Contracts plugin.
Enable the Web3 Login feature in the plugin settings.
Choose the desired user role for new registrations.
Decide whether to collect users' email addresses during registration.

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Web3 User Registration and Login Features

Once the Web3 Login feature is enabled, your users will be able to register and login to your website using their cryptocurrency wallets. They'll simply click the "Login with your wallet" button and sign the transaction using their wallet.

The Web3 Login feature also offers a number of advanced options, such as the ability to:

You can collect users' email addresses during registration to keep them updated on your website's latest news and events.
You can redirect users to a specific URL after they log in, such as their profile page or a specific content page.
You can customize the login and registration pages to match the branding and style of your website for a better user experience.

The WP Smart Contracts Web3 Login feature is a secure and easy way to improve the user experience on your WordPress website. If you're looking for a way to simplify and secure user registration and login, the Web3 Login feature is a great option.

Web3 User Registration and Login Options

Here are the different options to login and register using the Web3 Login feature:

Login using WordPress Forms: This is the default option. When users attempt to login, they will see a "Login with your wallet" button.
Login using the Launcher: Users can also login and register using the Launcher pages.
Login using a shortcode: You can also place a shortcode on any page. This will allow users to login from anywhere on your site.


Learn more about the technical aspects of Web3 Login

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Article and video tutorial about Web3 Login feature

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