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Buy Coins Tutorial

Buy Coins with Kucoin Exchange

In this tutorial we are going to show you how to buy alt-coins in the supported networks to pay for gas and deployment fees.

For this tutorial we are going to use Kucoin exchange to buy AVAX coins, but the process is similar to all exchanges and coins

We are going to start this tutorial using some Ether
Sign up for Kucoin and login
Deposit Ether into your Kucoin account
Go to "Assets" - "Main Account"
Go to your "Main Account" section
Deposit Ether into your Kucoin account
Search for "Ether" and click on "Deposit"
Go to ETH Deposit section
Deposit Ether into your Kucoin account
Choose "ETH", read the warnings and check the checkbox and Continue if you understand the risks
Check and continue if you agree
Deposit Ether into your Kucoin account
Make sure to select "ETH - Ethereum" network, copy the Ethereum address
Copy the Ethereum address
Deposit Ether into your Kucoin account
Go to you Metamask account, and click on "Send" to start the transfer of funds to Kucoin
Click "Send" in Metamask
Deposit Ether into your Kucoin account
In the "Send to" field paste your Kucoin Ethereum address
Pasted the address
Deposit Ether into your Kucoin account
Enter the desired amount to transfer and click "Next"
Enter the amount to transfer
Deposit Ether into your Kucoin account
Check the gas fees and click "Confirm" if you agree
Confirm if you agree
Deposit Ether into your Kucoin account
After a few minutes you will see your incoming transaction in Kucoin
Wait for the transaction to complete
Transfer funds to your Trading account
Go to the Main Account tab, and click "Transfer" on the ETH row
Transfer funds
Transfer funds to your Trading account
Make sure to transfer from your "Main Account" to your "Trading Account", and enter the amount to transfer
Enter the amount
Click on "Trade" and choose "Spot Trading"
Go to the "Spot Trading"
There is no direct conversion from ETH to AVAX in Kucoin, so, we need to first transform ETH into USDT and then from USDT to AVAX.
Choose ETH/USDT Trading pair
Choose "Market", "100%" and "Sell ETH"
Sell ETH at market price
In a few seconds the transaction will be finished
Wait for confirmation
Click on pairs, enter "AVAX" and choose "AVAX/USDT"
Now choose AVAX/USDT pair
Click on "Market", "100%" and "Buy AVAX"
Buy AVAX at market price
In a few seconds the transaction will be finished
Wait for confirmation
Transfer funds to your Kucoin Main Account
Go to "Assets" "Trading Account"
Go to Trading Account
Transfer funds to your Kucoin Main Account
Click on "Transfer" in the AVAX row
Start Transfer
Transfer funds to your Kucoin Main Account
Make sure to transfer from your "Trading Account" to your "Main Account", enter the amount to transfer and click "Confirm"
Transfer funds to you Main Account
Transfer funds to Metamask
Switch your Metamask to Avalanche C-Chain network
Transfer funds to Metamask
Go to your Main Account in Kucoin and click on "Withdraw" on the AVAX row
Withdraw AVAX
Transfer funds to Metamask
  • On the "Wallet Address" enter your Metamask account address
  • On the "Network" dropdown you must choose "Avalance C-Chain" network
    This is a critical step, make sure to select the proper network, otherwise you may loose your funds and you won't load the funds properly in your Metamask account
  • Enter the amount to withdraw
  • Click "Confirm"
Confirm the withdraw
Transfer funds to Metamask
Click "Confirm Withdrawal"
Transfer funds to Metamask
Depending on your settings you will need to enter some confirmation codes
Enter your confirmation codes
Transfer funds to Metamask
After a few minutes you will see your funds in your Metamask account


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